“All thought requires contemplation.”
– Hannah Arendt –
Find out what others think of you – and talk to them about it.
Anonymous – Reliable – Sustainable
You choose your own survey target groups.
Employee Questionnaires – Let’s Talk – 180°-450° Feedback
Changing Cultures
Our lifestyle analyses, for example, enable new modes of cooperation in the workplace. We cover topics such as team composition, increasing motivation, and many more.
We work scientifically, transparently – and engagingly. Topics include: How can I shape my future? How can I improve my conflict management? Which priorities and strategies will help me reach my goals?
Our certifications help small and mid-sized businesses to get financial subsidies for consulting services that advise on implementing employee-oriented and future-proof business and HR policy.
When could your business benefit from working with Jarchow & Partner?
Developing corporate culture on the basis of scientifically valid methods – together with your employees – will only continue to grow in importance in the future. Individual diversity and differences need to be approached respectfully: This is the only way to make real, sustainable change.
- If you want to grow sustainably – yourself, your employees, your entire corporate culture…
- If you like to work with experienced experts…
- If you value your employees and think annual reviews are not enough…
- If you want genuine feedback to help you learn more about yourself…
…then you’ve come to the right place – Jarchow & Partner